Feel at home

A cosy ambience and typical South Tyrolean hospitality await you at the Waalhof. A large lounge with tables, corner bench and wood-burning stove is available for our guests to spend sociable hours. Books, information about the surroundings and games can also be found in the Waalhof’s lounge. We are also happy to give you tips for beautiful hikes and excursions in the surrounding area. In […]

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Your Hosts at Waalhof

We are … Verena, the good soul of the house, is a teacher, organises the household and helps around the house. She has a heart for her guests and a preference for homemade things: Her jams, dried fruits and juices taste simply the best and are a popular holiday souvenir. Martin, the landlord and apple farmer, has been running our farm full-time since 2016 with

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Farm Products

Il Waalhof é un’ azienda frutticola, dove oltre alle diverse varietá di mele abbondano vari tipi di frutta come albicocche, pere, pesche, ciliege, prugne, ribes, lamponi e fragole. Una volta maturi questi vengono raccolti e da essi si ricavano composte, sciroppi e frutta secca. [smartslider3 slider=”4″] Succo di mela Una tentazione succosa. Spremute le mele danno una bevanda squisita e dissetante. Le mele vengono prodotte

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In harmony with nature

With sustainable cultivation, we try to maintain the ecological balance and promote natural biodiversity and soil diversity. Martin takes great care of our organic orchards. There is a lot to do on the farm all year round. In spring, the delicate apple blossoms have to be protected from the cold. Therefore, when the temperatures drop below zero at night, Martin has to get out of

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